When I tell people I'm a Hypnotist the one question that is always asked is: "What is Hypnosis used for?" Now, that's a question that is vastly huge in its scope & so vitally Important to understand! Because that's the crux of it really, isn't it? The remarkable thing about Hypnosis is that it can address almost any issue you can imagine...But, the one I'd like to speak on today is that of GRIEF.

Grief is something that, if left to ruminate, can shadow you your whole life. When a wound finds its way deep into your Being, your Soul, there's a chance that a premature "healing over" at the surface level may occur. This happens when we tell ourselves that... "We have to get on with things! Time to embrace & work through our pain later". And, perhaps for a while, the wounded, traumatized area (self), may LOOK healed, it may even FEEL healed. But,  the fact is, the unaddressed pain below the surface will never get the chance to mend to its fullest potential unless we allow ourselves to dive beneath that pristine surface and see what's struggling below!

This is where Hypnosis can be of great use! So much of our pain is deliberately stifled, stuffed down; repressed so deeply that we feel we may never be able to reach it let alone heal it...But, in using Hypnosis we are gently guided down to where the subconscious mind resides. It is here (in this environ that holds no judgement, no guilt nor barriers to trip us up or wade through) that we can begin the healing process. In this neutral, loving space, we can do the work; allowing our Entire Being to become whole and healed and free at last!

Our true state is that of Balance & Harmony...Our Soul and Spirit