Here's a very interesting and mind expanding hypnosis case study I'd like to share:

A woman presented to her Hypnotist with chronic/recurring, severe, back pain. She'd been to her Family practitioner who ordered x-rays and then an MRI to scan for structural abnormalities & dysfunctions in the area of complaint. All of the test came back negative. They showed no herniations, subluxations or impingements that would result in all the pain she said she was experiencing!

Having ruled out all possibilities for her pain via the usual medical routes the woman sought alternative methods in an attempt to find the cause of her ongoing back pain! She was desperate at this point!

So, here she sat, in the Hypnotist's chair hoping that this, non-medical approach, might work in bringing her some physical relief. 

A brief overview of the session : During her Past Life Regression session the client saw herself as a woman living with her husband under very trying circumstances. He was a violent man & abusive towards her. One day, during an escalating argument, the woman turned & tried to flee...In the heat of it all her husband pulled out a knife & fatally stab her (his wife) in the back! This was the missing piece, the breakthrough, that facilitated her healing!

The Hypnotist explained to the client that this incident was in her PAST LIFE & that it could no longer influence, impact, or have power over her PRESENT LIFE!. Because she could now see the ROOT CAUSE for her pain, because it was finally understood, she could RELEASE IT & LET IT GO! And so she did-the woman saw her PAIN for what it was; saw that it had no place in her current incarnation & with that revelation she was then able to RELEASE IT from her present reality! Her Spirit, Mind & Inner Being needed to be healed in order for the physical manifestation ( her pain) to dissipate!

After her hypnotic session the client's pain was finally FREED from her body! In understanding her past she was freed to live in the PRESENT!

It's Amazing what you can accomplish under Hypnosis! Experience this transforming process for yourself!

Namaste, Linneah Dalmus, CH